Auto insurance is never a place you should cut corners. You need a team you can trust to put your safety first. Our team is equipped to provide top-quality risk management and claims advocacy. Contact us for a quote today.
With our agreed value coverage, you agree to what your car is worth when your policy is written. Then, if your car is stolen or totaled, you will receive a cheque for the agreed amount with no depreciation. This could save you in tens of thousands of dollars or more at the time of a covered loss.
Use your favourite body shop or if you prefer, we will help find an insurer-endorsed quality repair shop.
Need to rent a car because yours is out of service following an accident? Rental car reimbursement coverage enables you to rent a car just like the one you own. We offer the industry’s highest amount of coverage with no per-day limit.
Limits of $20,000,000+ are available.
We don’t limit our rental car coverage to the U.S. and Canada. Worldwide automobile liability coverage is available.